Friday, May 25, 2007

Lost Tower?

The more I replay Jack's "flash forward" in my head, the more I think that some elements of this sequence are too similar to the plot of the The Dark Tower to be coincidence. There were a lot of clues dropped in the "flash" to make me believe that the premise behind the two stories is the same.

That's OK, because both stories are so entertaining and engrossing. But like I said yesterday, if the endings are similar there will probably be a lot of angry people.

You know what, I love talking and theorizing about this show but part of me always hopes that my theories are wrong (and so far I have not been disappointed). One of the things I like best about this show is that it keeps me guessing (and thinking). Not enough of what's on TV does that.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Lost Finale

I really enjoyed the Lost finale last night. Looking back, seeing the preview for this episode did not give too much away. I really thought Ben would stop them from reaching the radio tower.

This is what I think I think:
  1. I think that Naomi really is working for an organization hired by Penny Widmore... why else would she have a picture of Desmond? Is Naomi really dead? Interesting that Locke had no reservations killing her after he had such a hard time (not) killing his father - who he hated.
  2. Jack is messed up. How he ever became the leader is beyond me. Ben made a good point when he asked Jack what he was so eager to get back to at home? If this (Jack's flash forward) is where the show will eventually end (and the rest of the series tells the story of getting to this point), it is pretty dark. Not at all the happy ending most shows strive for. I'm OK with that.
  3. Way to go Hurley! When that van came through the Jungle - that was the highlight for me. Cool.
  4. Sawyer is becoming dangerous. It was too easy for him to kill Tom... and he showed no remorse this time.
  5. For a long time, I thought Rousseau was working with Ben and the Others. Part of me still feels that way. Didn't it seem a little too easy for her to first change the message, and then to simply shut it off?
  6. I know the creators are Stephen King fans. I've read The Dark Tower series and while I enjoyed it for the most part, I felt the ending was a HUGE disappointment and a cop out. I hope that this series doesn't end the same way, with the same premise.
This is what I want to know:
  1. Did Charlie really have to die? Couldn't he have swam through the porthole? What if he allowed the station to flood? Couldn't he and Desmond swim back through the moon pool opening? At least we're spared from future episodes where Desmond has to save Charlie's life.
    More questions about the events surrounding Charlie's death:
    • Did Captain Eyepatch die when the grenade went off? I hope not. I want to see more about him - and what happened to his eye.
    • Charlie had a surprisingly good connection with Penny. Good thing she happened to be near her video phone and she knew how to call this underwater Dharma station.
    • How'd Charlie figure out which numbers would produce the right notes.
  2. Who are the Others? What are they doing there? What was their purpose before Dharma? How'd the Others take over the rest of the Dharma stations? Also how'd they figure out which stations to take over? For instance, they apparently took over the Looking Glass and the Flame (the communication station Locke blew up), but didn't take over the Swan (where the numbers were entered) .
  3. When did the Other's become such bad shots? Remember when they took the shot that clipped Sawyer's ear? Since then, they haven't shot anything.
  4. If there were only 2 anomalies, how'd Penny Widmore track down the island so quickly? Is she affiliated with Dharma? Is that how she knew the frequency to reach the Looking glass?
  5. How come the island didn't heal Boone?
I really what to learn more about Dharma and the rest of the Others back story. I want to see more about the connections (if there are any) between Sun's and Penny's familiy (I think this came out in the ARG last summer).

I also wish there was another ARG this summer. It stinks that we need to wait until February for some of these answers.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Lost Preview

I'm a HUGE Lost fan but I usually try to avoid the previews about the next episode.

Last night however, I was still thinking about how the episode ended when the preview came on. I mean, based on how the show has gone, you can almost anticipate some of the stuff that will happen next, so the preview revelations were not a total shocker.
Sidebar: Ben cutting the Losties off on the way to the radio tower is what I'm talking about. This is so similar to what happened in the last 2 finales that it's almost silly. First finale, the Others attack the raft and kidnap Walt. Last year, Michael's group is captured on the way to what was supposed to be the OtherCamp.

Anyway, even though I can sort of guess what's going to happen, I don't really want to know. It's sort of like getting the best Birthday present and being totally surprised vs getting the same present but knowing that it's coming. You're just as happy with the gift, but there's a little extra "something" when you didn't know for sure. Do you know what I mean?

The producers and TV people do a great job keeping us guessing and I shouldn't second guess them. For instance, earlier this year the preview made Sun look like an "Other", she really isn't... that was cool. Even so, I'd rather go in fresh.


The Sabres looked better yesterday. I'm not going to get me hopes up for the Cup until there's a Game 7 though. They've dug themselves a really big hole. Given that Game 7 will be on the same night as the Lost finale, I won't expect to move from the couch that night.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

bye King of Queens

For me, the final mini season of the "King of Queens" was a huge disappointment. It was not nearly as funny as previous episodes. Why do sitcoms feel they need a big send off to wrap up the story? Attempting to add drama to this series made these final episodes dark and sad. They left a sour taste in my mouth.

Note to sitcom writers: just let these shows end the way they came in... funny. There is no need for drama and a big wrap up. Keep it light.

I'll miss this show. Good thing it reruns a minimum of 3 times daily.


Do the Sabres miss McKee, Dumont, and Greer in these playoffs or what? It's a very different playoffs without these key players from last year's team.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Random Thoughts from the Weekend

It doesn't look like the Sabres want it as badly enough. Last year I remember the team blocking shots, big hits, and going all out every minute. I don't see the same determination in this year's team. They are not as willing to sell out. I really hope they turn it around, but I'm not holding my breath.


Last night I found myself watching the finale of Survivor. I don't watch regularly, but I always seem to catch the last episode. I never ceases to amaze me how petty the jury members are. There are always a handful of jurors who aggressively ask "Why didn't you tell me you were voting me off? You stink! You lied to me!". Haven't they watched before? This happens every season and seems like a necessary step winners take to stay off the jury. Grow up, you got beat, deal with it!


I felt horrible for Nick O'Hern on the 17th of the TPC. You couldn't win the tourney on this hole. It's one of the toughest in golf. Get par and hope for a miracle on 18 (Lefty did almost put it in the water). To quote Terrell Owens agent, "there are about 740,000 reasons not to shoot for the pin on 17."