In the last installment of his 7 Wonders of Walt Disney World series, Lou Mongello and the guests on his show discussed the Cast Members as the key component which make Walt Disney World a truly special place to visit. It's the way we're treated - the little personal touches, the courtesy and respect, the passion all the cast members have - which allow these "strangers" to become such an integral and important part of our family vacations. For frequent visitors who see some of the same cast members on each trip, these people become an extended family. This story is one of many I've seen firsthand which demonstrate this unique bond.
On our first trip to Walt Disney World, we took our daughter to see Beauty and the Beast, Live on Stage. We got to the stadium early and had some decent seats. We watched some "stagehands" bring out some mics for the show, do a sound check, and then - completely to our surprise - burst into song! We were completely duped by these guys! It was so cool! We loved the "main" show itself - it was a highlight of our vacation - but it was the surprise of the preshow that really stuck with me.
My parents joined us on our next trip and I knew they'd enjoy this "surprise" too. I also learned that this was going to be one of the last performances for this group (Four for a Dollar) as their contracts were ending. Apparently a lot of other guests also heard the news - the stadium was loaded! My poor parents were a little confused when the guy who brought out the first mic for the show received a standing ovation. The ovations and frequent calls to the guys lasted more or less the entire show. This extended ovation was a testament to all the great memories these guys provided to families through the years. That so many people would turn out to personally thank these guys and let them know they would be sorely missed was an obvious sign that this group became a big part of many vacations - which possibly started the first time these guests were also "duped" like I was. It was a "meeting" guests looked forward to every time they visited Walt Disney World - like seeing an old friend. They will certainly be missed on my next trip.
Other places can try and duplicate the attractions or the theming, but it's the Cast of People working at Walt Disney World which truly sets it apart from other destinations.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
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