Monday, December 29, 2008

Big Boys Christmas

Last year I started a tradition of getting my brothers a toy for Christmas. Something cool and frivolous. Something with a remote control...

We don't have a lot of time to spend together on Christmas anymore, so it had to be something relatively easy to use and something we could get instant gratification from. Just 10 minutes of pure fun was my goal.

Last year I bought remote control helicopters. They were a huge hit! It took us a while to figure out how to fly them, but once we did it wasn't long before we were making kamikaze runs at each other.

This year I got these cool Air Hogs Zero Gravity cars. They drive vertically on walls and upside down. They are way cool and totally fun. After dinner, we raced above our family on the living room ceiling.

I started this gift tradition because I wanted something fun we could do together on Christmas Day. Something that brought back the excitement of Christmas past. Gift cards or new Christmas sweaters don't pack the same punch.

If the "big boys" in your family are anything like me and my brothers, give this gift approach a try. Remember, you're not looking for something they'll necessarily use all year long, just 10 minutes on Christmas Day.

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