Thursday, May 17, 2007

Lost Preview

I'm a HUGE Lost fan but I usually try to avoid the previews about the next episode.

Last night however, I was still thinking about how the episode ended when the preview came on. I mean, based on how the show has gone, you can almost anticipate some of the stuff that will happen next, so the preview revelations were not a total shocker.
Sidebar: Ben cutting the Losties off on the way to the radio tower is what I'm talking about. This is so similar to what happened in the last 2 finales that it's almost silly. First finale, the Others attack the raft and kidnap Walt. Last year, Michael's group is captured on the way to what was supposed to be the OtherCamp.

Anyway, even though I can sort of guess what's going to happen, I don't really want to know. It's sort of like getting the best Birthday present and being totally surprised vs getting the same present but knowing that it's coming. You're just as happy with the gift, but there's a little extra "something" when you didn't know for sure. Do you know what I mean?

The producers and TV people do a great job keeping us guessing and I shouldn't second guess them. For instance, earlier this year the preview made Sun look like an "Other", she really isn't... that was cool. Even so, I'd rather go in fresh.


The Sabres looked better yesterday. I'm not going to get me hopes up for the Cup until there's a Game 7 though. They've dug themselves a really big hole. Given that Game 7 will be on the same night as the Lost finale, I won't expect to move from the couch that night.

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