Monday, May 14, 2007

Random Thoughts from the Weekend

It doesn't look like the Sabres want it as badly enough. Last year I remember the team blocking shots, big hits, and going all out every minute. I don't see the same determination in this year's team. They are not as willing to sell out. I really hope they turn it around, but I'm not holding my breath.


Last night I found myself watching the finale of Survivor. I don't watch regularly, but I always seem to catch the last episode. I never ceases to amaze me how petty the jury members are. There are always a handful of jurors who aggressively ask "Why didn't you tell me you were voting me off? You stink! You lied to me!". Haven't they watched before? This happens every season and seems like a necessary step winners take to stay off the jury. Grow up, you got beat, deal with it!


I felt horrible for Nick O'Hern on the 17th of the TPC. You couldn't win the tourney on this hole. It's one of the toughest in golf. Get par and hope for a miracle on 18 (Lefty did almost put it in the water). To quote Terrell Owens agent, "there are about 740,000 reasons not to shoot for the pin on 17."

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